Reaching Your Writing Dreams
Stop being your biggest critic and start being your best support.Join us for a workshop taught by Lura Kingsford called "Reaching Your Writing Dreams in 2017," February 22, 2017, Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the St. George Library
Discover the keys to Reaching Your Writing Dreams, even if your New Year's resolutions never worked before. Lura will help us create our own individual vision of writing.
"Lura Kingsford empowers people to design and live a life they truly love. She believes we are far more powerful and contain more potential than any circumstance, situation or condition. Lura is a certified Life Mastery Consultant, coaching business owners and retirees on how to turn possibilities into realities. She is familiar with Natalie Goldberg's books (i.e. Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within and subscribed to Writer's Digest for many years."
"Lura is the founder of Appreciation Mindset Training. She is a certified business trainer with MBA training supervisors, so their people feel like skipping to work."